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Website speed is one of the most important things to consider nowadays. Internet users are becoming more and more impatient and they want everything in front of their eyes very quickly. So, let's understand more about why website speed is important for any online business.

Site speed is the performance of a website. It is a combination of different factors. One such factor is page load time. If a website takes a long time to load, it can have a negative impact on user experience and adversely affect site traffic. Therefore, every ecommerce website design company takes this part very seriously.

One of the many benefits of fast loading websites is its conversion rate. This is the percentage of users who have completed a desired action. A slow website can affect SEO ranking. Search Engine Rankings are crucial for a website. To get top SEO ranking like web design company in Toronto, a website should provide a positive user experience. Long loading times can cause the users to move away to different options. According to statistics, 40% of people buzz off when websites take more time to load. When a user is dissatisfied, it is highly unlikely that he will visit the website again. Loading time is directly proportional to bounce rate (the percentage of users who navigate away after viewing one page). A bounce rate indicates to the search engine that the website content is not useful to the user, which results in a drop in search engine ranking leading to user loss.


Page load time is time taken for a website to fully load its functional webpage. This is measured in seconds. Once a user types a request, the browser and server work towards displaying the relevant content. This process is the load time of a website.

User types a request in the browser. Server processes the browser request and sends relevant content to the browser, this taken time between the user request and server response is loading time of a website. This is known as TTFB (Time to First Byte). In other words, the time taken to receive the first byte of information. Several factors determine this speed like page layout, image resolution, weight of the page elements, and above all, server. All these can be controlled by the site owner, while some factors like internet speed which can directly impact loading time is beyond their control.


Page speed determines the google ranking of a website as users prefer fast loading easy to navigate websites.


When a webpage loading time is high, it will make the user abandon the website thereby impacting its position in rankings. When a website does not get the desired ranking, it will lose its place in organic search results.


Every website aspires to provide a positive user experience. A satisfied user is likely to visit the website again and again. It is human tendency to expect quick response to a request. A fast-loading website is considered professional by the users. Google Analytics tracks bounce rate (how many users have checked in and left without viewing other pages). So, a fast-loading webpage is vital to improve user interaction.


A fast-loading website will inspire the customer to stay and perform the desired action. This can be making a purchase, filling in a form, or anything that will benefit the business. This Call to Action can be performed only when the customer stays long enough to complete it. For ecommerce sites this is even more important as slow loading time can lead to a potential loss of customers.


Every business works towards retaining their customers. Website performance plays an important role in customers’ decision to revisit a website. You can reach out to web design Mississauga company to know more about website speed optimization and it’s pricing.


A website’s main goal is to attract traffic. Slow sites will eventually force users to look for a better option which can have a major impact on website traffic.


A fast-loading website shows a professional attitude of the business whereas a slow-loading site shows poor planning and non-serious attitude which will lead to loss of potential customers. 

To conclude

A fast-loading website will benefit the business with customer confidence, more traffic and better search engine rankings thereby having an overall positive impact on the business.

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