Middle Back Pain | Information | Genericshub

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Middle Back Pain | Information | Genericshub

Impact trauma, arthritis, ruptured discs, muscle strains, scoliosis, poor posture, and many other conditions can all be reasons for middle back discomfort. The thoracic spine, which is located in the back between the ribcage and the base of the neck, is frequently referred to as the "middle back."

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What Is Middle Back Pain?

Middle back discomfort is more of a symptom than a true condition, and it typically indicates a thoracic spine injury or illness.

When compared to the upper or lower back, the thoracic spine has a much smaller range of motion.

Its primary purposes are to stabilize the body, safeguard the spinal cord, and act as a point of attachment for the ribs and numerous muscle groups.

What Causes Middle Back Pain?

Compared to the reasons for lower back or neck pain, the underlying significant spinal pathology is more frequently the source of thoracic spine discomfort. However, this symptom can also appear in healthy people who don't appear to be ill or injured.

Unexpectedly, TSP is more common in children and adolescents, particularly girls. This might be brought on by using a heavy backpack, playing particular sports, sitting in a high chair at school, or straining while doing homework, among other things.

Common causes of middle back pain in adults include:


Middle back discomfort can be brought on by aging, as well as regular strain on the spine and back muscles. Additionally, lifestyle factors like slouching, obesity, inactivity, and smoking have an impact.

Strain or sprain

This injury results from lifting something heavy incorrectly or suddenly and jerkily stretching or injuring your back's muscles, tendons, or ligaments.


TSP can result from sports-related injuries, falls, and injuries sustained in auto accidents.

Herniated or bulging discs

The strain on the nerves caused by compressed, bulging, or ruptured thoracic spinal discs can result in excruciating middle back pain.


The bones may rub against one another and result in uncomfortable symptoms in the middle back when the cartilage lining the joints deteriorates.

Pinched nerve

Your back's compressed nerves can cause pain ranging from mild to severe.

6 Types of Back Pain You Should Never Ignore

1. Back Pain Accompanied by Numbness or Tingling

Along with back pain, numbness or tingling in your arms or legs may be a sign of a spinal problem, such as a pinched nerve.

Numerous back conditions, such as sciatica, spinal stenosis, or disc herniation, can send "pins and needles" sensations down the limbs.

Visit your primary care physician if you are only now starting to experience this symptom; they should be able to determine whether you require specialized care.

On the other hand, if you've had this condition for a long and it's gotten worse over time, you might want to go straight to an orthopedic spine expert.

2. Back Pain After a Traumatic Event or Injury

The body is put under a lot of stress after a traumatic event, like a fall or a vehicle accident. After an injury, people can sometimes walk and resume their normal activities, but later they experience discomfort and dismiss it.

Even though the source of your pain might not always be obvious to the naked eye, this does not lessen the urgency of the situation.

Visit a doctor as soon as you can if you experience any physical changes following a traumatic event, such as aches, pinching, strain, or weakness.

3. Back Pain That Persists for Months

Back pain can be categorized as either acute or chronic. Chronic back pain lasts more than three months, whereas acute back pain lasts from one week to three months.

If you have persistent back discomfort, it can be a sign of a back disorder such as degenerative disc disease.

Regardless of the source, having that much consistent pain can seriously impair your quality of life and calls for a trip to your healthcare physician or an orthopedic specialist.

4. Back Pain with the Loss of Bladder or Bowel Control

Incontinence may result from spinal nerve compression's impact on the organs that regulate bowel and bladder function.

It is never advisable to ignore this severe symptom. You should seek emergency care right away if your bladder or bowel function is declining because this symptom indicates that there is a serious problem.

5. Back Pain Accompanied by a Fever

Back discomfort and a fever are warning signs that your body may be battling a dangerous infection that requires prompt medical attention.

In situations like this, the fever is probably not a typical viral fever.

Instead, this fever may be your body's reaction to a spinal infection, such as an epidural abscess, if it is present along with back pain.

6. Back Pain That Prevents You from Performing Routine Tasks

Finally, you should see a doctor if your back pain interferes with your ability to go about your daily activities.

Back discomfort shouldn't be caused by activities like standing up, bending over to reach something, or low-impact exercise, and you shouldn't feel restricted from engaging in these activities because the pain might be too severe.

If your back pain ever affects your daily life in this way, it's time to schedule an appointment with a back pain specialist who can identify the source of the issue and walk you through your options for treatment.

Symptoms of Middle Back Pain

There are many different ways to describe the discomfort people feel in their middle back, including tenderness, tightness, or stiffness.

Patients may also describe their discomfort as being stabbing, dull, or sharp. A burning sensation in the center back may accompany TSP.

Additional side effects that sometimes accompany middle back pain include:

  • Anxiety or discomfort that spreads to your hips, shoulders, or neck
  • Muscle pain
  • You experience arm or leg weakness
  • Numbness or tingling in the extremities, belly, or chest
  • Chest discomfort
  • A lack of bowel or bladder control

Middle Back Pain Treatment

For middle back pain, there are many efficient and cutting-edge therapy alternatives. Our initial priority at DISC in Arizona is to offer a precise diagnosis.

We employ a specialized diagnostic method called Personalized Pain Diagnostics (PPD) to identify the precise pain generator due to numerous probable reasons.

However, if your middle back pain symptoms worsen, we might advise surgery. The spine care professionals at DISC are skilled in a variety of surgical techniques, including minimally invasive ones.

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