The Allure of Burma Ruby: Unveiling a World of Riches and Mystery

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The Burmese ruby is valued second only to colored diamonds, but their tumultuous history has made them abhorrent to many. Myanmar, or Burma, has long been known for the unparalleled allure of pigeon's blood rubies.

The Burmese ruby is valued second only to colored diamonds, but their tumultuous history has made them abhorrent to many. Myanmar, or Burma, has long been known for the unparalleled allure of pigeon's blood rubies.

Essential Details About Burmese Ruby Gemstone

With the exception of deep color, they stimulate the highest prices per carat on the global market. They are prized for their intense, natural red fluorescence with blue colors. Their rarity can be defined as more than 99 percent of the Burmese ruby gemstones found on the market being extracted decades, even centuries ago. However, because mining has been relatively unchecked for years, the region's yield of gem-quality rubies has considerably reduced. Burmese ruby gemstones have an unusual historic appeal, like sapphires from Kashmir or emeralds from Colombia. There is an abundance of mystery surrounding their history, which makes it more popular, despite the fact that Mozambique rubies are undoubtedly more beautiful. China is the largest market for Burmese rubies, and they have no issues with Myanmar. 

Nonetheless, with consumers increasingly demanding openness about the origins and supply chains of the goods they buy, several jewelers have made geographic origin a priority. There are very few Thai rubies on the market today, but this one had a remarkable color density that was very similar to Burmese, as well as an unusual violet streak.

The international market perception of Burmese Rubies


Burmese rubies and sapphires of the highest quality are extremely uncommon and in high demand among collectors and high-end jewelry makers. However, worries about human rights violations, environmental degradation, and illicit mining activities have tarnished the reputation of Burmese rubies. As a result, the trade in Burmese ruby gemstones has recently been subject to severe laws and ethical issues.

Overall, the cultural value of Burmese rubies, as well as their international gemstone trade relevance. These rare jewels are not only gorgeous, but they also have an interesting history and cultural importance, making them an important element of Burmese culture. It is critical that the gemstone business and consumers are aware of the ethical issues surrounding the trade of Burmese gemstones and take steps to guarantee they are choosing ethically sourced products.

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The Takeaway

Burmese rubies represent some of the world's most valuable gemstones, with an extensive past and cultural significance. Their distinct characteristics and bright hues have earned them a favorite of jewelers and enthusiasts alike. However, due to ethical concerns about the Burmese gemstone trade, customers should use caution while acquiring stones. Consumers can support responsible mining practices and avoid contributing to human rights abuses or conflict by shopping at reputable jewelers who source their stones responsibly and transparently. Burmese rubies, with proper care and attention, can be a source of beauty and worth for future generations.

Look for shops with a solid reputation and a 'Certificate of Authenticity' from the government. Furthermore, at Navratan, you can find certified natural rubies. This establishment offers an economical, customized, and vast range of rubies and other precious gems. You can avail of a free consultation from start to finish to customize your jewelry piece. Browse now.

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