David Gibson-Moore | Expertise in Business Advisory | Gulf Analytica

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David Gibson-Moore | Expertise in Business Advisory | Gulf Analytica

Gulf Analytica, led by David Gibson Moore, delved into the fascinating world of digital cash and cryptocurrencies during a highly informative panel discussion. The discussion shed light on the shift from traditional cash to digital cash, acknowledging the significant digital developments taking place. However, the conversation also explored the tension existing between regulators and libertarian crypto supporters, reflecting the complexity of this evolving landscape.

The Investment Summit 2022, organized by the Abrahamic Business Circle and held in Dubai at the prestigious V Hotel, captivated a well-attended audience with its thought-provoking insights. During this summit, a fireside chat on "Cryptocurrency: A Connected World in a Digital Ecosystem" featured two prominent practitioners: Tarek Titi from Emirates Insolaire, part of the Dubai Investment Group, and Shonaak Reshamwala, the CEO of Defcon ISC Limited. The panel was skillfully moderated by David Gibson-Moore.

David Gibson Moore : The discussion further explored the key components of the crypto ecosystem, including bitcoin and altcoins, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies (CBDC). Participants explored the opportunities and challenges within the larger DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space, paving the way for informed decision-making in this rapidly evolving domain.

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