The Essential Tools in a Locksmith Kit: A Guide to Lock Picking

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In this article, we will take a closer look at the different tools that are commonly included in a locksmith kit.

A locksmith kit is an essential toolset for any professional locksmith or even someone who wants to learn the art of lock picking. It typically contains a range of tools that are necessary to pick a wide variety of locks. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different tools that are commonly included in a locksmith kit.

    Lock Picks
Lock picks are the most important tools in any locksmith kit. They are used to manipulate the pins inside a lock and open it without using a key. There are different types of lock picks, including hook picks, rake picks, and diamond picks, and each one is designed to work with different types of locks.

    Tension Wrenches
Tension wrenches are used to apply pressure to the lock cylinder while the lock picks are being used to manipulate the pins. They come in different sizes and shapes, and it's important to choose the right one for the lock you're working on.

    Key Extractors
Key extractors are used to remove broken keys from locks. They come in different sizes and shapes, and it's important to choose the right one for the lock you're working on.

    Plug Spinners
Plug spinners are used to rotate the lock cylinder after the pins have been manipulated with the lock picks. They are especially useful when dealing with locks that have been picked but won't open because the cylinder is not in the correct position.

    Drill Bits
Drill bits are used to drill through locks when other methods have failed. However, drilling should be used as a last resort, as it can damage the lock and render it unusable.

In conclusion, a locksmith kit is an essential toolset for anyone who wants to learn the art of lock picking or for professional locksmiths who need to open different types of locks. When choosing a kit, it's important to consider the tools that are included and make sure they are suitable for the types of locks you'll be working on. With the right tools and some practice, anyone can become proficient at lock picking and open even the most challenging locks. are so much more than a simple shop; our curated range of tools for all levels of lock pickers, from beginner to locksmith, allows easy access to every lock you care to mention. Lock pick set reviews give unique insights into real-world applications, and our superlative post-sale service is exceptional.

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