To be used in conjunction with A Guide to Divination and Sundering Charms in Diablo II Resurrected

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This guide will provide you with all of the information pertaining to Sundering Charms that you require in order to play Diablo II: Resurrected

This guide will provide you with all of the information pertaining to Sundering Charms that you require in order to play Diablo II: Resurrected. During the second season of Diablo II: Resurrected, a new type of Unique Grand Charm known as Sundering Charms became available to players as part of an update to the game's content that was made available. In order to address the ongoing issue of monster immunity, which has been a problem since the game's inception, these six new charms have been added to Diablo II. These charms were designed to encourage build variety and find a solution to the problem, and they have been added to the game in order to do so.


This page contains extensive information and statistics on the various side effects caused by Sundering Charms.

The following is a rundown of how the Sundering Charms in Diablo II: Resurrected perform their functions:

Charms of Sundering cause an effect known as Sunder to be applied to all of the foes in the immediate area surrounding the player. This debuff brings the amount of resistance possessed by a particular type of foe down to 95% of its original value, reducing the threat they pose to the player.

This will, as a direct result of what has just taken place, result in the removal of any immunity against the effects of a particular type of resistance that a monster may have had.

In addition to the other potentially harmful effects that they can have, Sundering Charms have a chance of reducing the player's resistance to effects of the same type as those resistances, and this chance exists independently of any other potential negative effects that they can have.

The damage that is dealt as a result of the debuff that is caused by Sunder will be dealt prior to the damage that is dealt as a result of any other resistance-lowering modifiers, including the damage that is caused by Decrepify or Lower Resistance. This damage will be dealt before any damage that is dealt as a result of any other resistance-lowering modifiers.


The Sunder debuff will not have any impact on the abilities of your party members or Mercenaries; the only player who will benefit from the effects of the charm is the player who is wearing the charm, in addition to any summons that are caused by the charm.


  • Players have had access to an extremely restricted number of items over the course of the past two decades that had the capability of breaking monster immunities (resistances higher than 100 percent)

  • It is generally agreed upon that the 4-socket Polearm runeword Infinity is one of the most important of these runes

  • This is due to the fact that it is an essential component of any viable end-game build that places an emphasis on dealing damage to specific resistances, and also due to the fact that Diablo 2 items for sale is one of the runes that utilizes the name "Infinity

  • "In spite of this, Infinity's Level 12 Conviction aura is unable to break any immune conditions; Diablo II's cold-immunes, in particular, continue to have an excessively high level of resistance (up to over 150%)

  • Sundering Charms have a one hundred percent chance of removing an opponent's immunity, which not only makes them a suitable replacement for the Infinity runeword but also makes them an even more effective resistance remover when used in conjunction with that runeword

  • This is because Sundering Charms have a 100% chance of removing an opponent's immunity

  • Because of this, certain builds, such as Cold Sorcs, will have a much easier time farming bosses and packs

  • Other builds, on the other hand, will struggle more

  • However, other builds will have a more difficult time

It is imperative that you are aware that Sundering Charms will have an effect not only on spells that you cast yourself, such as Blizzard or Blessed Hammer, but will also have an effect on all minions and traps. This is one of the most important things that you need to be aware of. You absolutely cannot afford to miss this one piece of information, as Diablo 2 runewords is among the most vital ones. The following is an official list that Blizzard has compiled of all of the friendly entities that can be affected by Sundering Charms. This list can be found below.

The bare minimum requirement in terms of experience needed to make use of sundering charms

Only players who have reached level 75 are able to equip a Sundering Charm. Players who have not yet reached level 75 are unable to do so.

Locations that hold the potential to yield CharmsChampions, Uniques, Superuniques, and Bosses are the only monsters in the Sundering Terror Zone that have a chance to drop Sundering Charms as loot. Other monsters in the zone do not have this chance. Charms of Sundering are unique to these monsters and can only be obtained from them.

Only areas on the Hell difficulty can be terrorized, which means that Normal and Nightmare difficulty do not have a chance of dropping Sundering Charms. Terrorizing an area causes  to become more likely to drop Sundering Charms. Terrorizing a region increases the probability that monsters within  will drop Sundering Charms.

The rate at which Sundering Charms can be acquired in drops is currently unknown.

Because Oblivescence conducted a comprehensive investigation on Reddit, we are able to assume that obtaining Sundering Charms will be an extremely challenging endeavor. The following advice should be considered in order to improve your chances of successfully cultivating Sundering Charms and is provided for your convenience:

As is the case with the vast majority of other one-of-a-kind items, the most efficient way to farm Sundering Charms is by killing Act Bosses. This holds true for the vast majority of other unique cheap Diablo 2 items as well search here.


The likelihood of obtaining a particular Sundering Charm is comparable to the possibility of obtaining a Griffon's Eye in terms of its likelihood.


  • There is a 1 in 450 chance that Andariel or Duriel will drop a Sundering Charm when you have approximately 550 Magic Find

  • This chance increases when you have more Magic Find

  • This chance increases as more Magic Find is accumulated on your character

If the player has approximately 550 Magic Find, there is a 1 in 1300 chance that Mephisto, Diablo, or Baal will drop a Sundering Charm. This chance increases with each additional Magic Find point the player has. This chance increases as the level of Magic Find is increased.

Because they can only be found in Terror Zones, Sundering Charms are notoriously difficult to obtain due to the fact that they can only be found there. If only they were more readily available, their prices could be cut by a significant amount.

As a direct consequence of this, players should make it a top priority to eliminate Act Bosses as frequently as they can while they are under attack in order to increase the likelihood that one of the Sundering Charms will drop for them. This can be done by making it a priority to take out Act Bosses while they are under attack.

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