From Super Mario Sunshine to Super Mario Odyssey, the best Mario games of all time

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Mario, the protagonist of the most successful video game franchise of all time

Mario, the protagonist of the most successful video game franchise of all time, has become a well-known figure all over the world thanks to the fact that his games have been consistently hailed as both fan favorites and critical darlings, beginning with the days of the NES and continuing all the way up to the Switch.

It is reasonable to assume that the majority of gamers will, at some point in their lives, have engaged in the experience of playing at least one Mario game, whether it be the most recent innovative 3D platformer Odyssey, a sporty spin-off like Mario Strikers, or even the build-your-own levels of Mario Maker.

But which of these is the most impressive? We are taking a look back at the best Mario games of all time with a list of the top 10 must-play adventures from the plumber with the handlebar mustache to celebrate the fact that Super Mario Sunshine has turned 20 years old (yes, really!).
Super Mario Maker 2 is the perfect way to push your creativity to its limits, with hundreds of different course parts and all the tools you need to craft the Mario game of your dreams. Whether you're just starting out as a game developer or you just want to make the most ridiculous video game levels you can, Super Mario Maker 2 is the perfect way to do it.

This much-improved sequel includes a plethora of new features, such as the ability to create courses in co-op mode with another player and a new 3D World style. Alternatively, if you would rather have your levels made for you, there is even a Story Mode that is almost good enough to be its own standalone game.
New Super Mario Bros. for the DS introduced a new generation of gamers to Mario's traditional side-scrolling platform roots. This came after Nintendo set the standard for the 3D platformer with 64 and Sunshine.

It was a wise decision on Nintendo's part to adhere to the rulebook they had a hand in creating, while at the same time including enough contemporary elements, such as the Mega Mushroom and the ability to wall jump, to give it a new twist. Since then, quite a few New Super Mario Bros games have been released, but the one for the DS is, and always will be, the definitive version of the series.
The original cuphead trilogy deserves plenty of credit for helping the well-loved plumber – and video games in general – get to where they are today. While Mario's adventures in 3D tend to get all of the attention these days, the series deserves plenty of credit for helping get video games to where they are today. The stage adaptation of Super Mario Bros. 3 is, without a doubt, the most impressive of the three.

This sequel improved upon the already-excellent Super Mario Bros. experience and included many of the Mario staples that players have come to expect, such as overworld maps and well-known power-ups such as the Tanooki Suit and the Frog Suit. The game is regarded by many as being "perfect," and it is the reason why so many people consider it to be a video game.

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