How to be a One-Stop Beauty Shop

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Vicky is a successful boss of Meihei. She likes to see her guests leave the salon with a smile! Although she has maintained some stable customers for many years, she wants to know why some people do not come as often as she hoped. Her service menu has not changed. She has used a consistent

Vicky is a successful boss of Meihei. She likes to see her guests leave the salon with a smile! Although she has maintained some stable customers for many years, she wants to know why some people do not come as often as she hoped. Her service menu has not changed. She has used a consistent marketing strategy, but she has noticed that the number of repeat customers and new customers is decreasing every month.


Read as reference: beauty store near me


A situation like Vicki raises a question: "What are you selling? Why are you selling?" This may sound silly, but the answer can help you understand how to turn your enterprise into the most visited salon in the city.


The old Webster Dictionary defines beauty as "a quality that is physically attractive, or a quality that a person or thing can bring pleasure to the senses or soul." So what does beauty mean to you? What does this mean for your guests?


To ensure that your marketing objectives are correct, look at your city. Do you live in the university district? suburb? A retirement community? It is important to a) provide the services that these people want; b) Show the benefits that are important to them.


For example, college students may want to sunburn, whiten their teeth, enjoy body wrapping, and look perfect at the upcoming party. Busy mother also wants to do beauty, but she may also be looking for some ways to relieve pain and relax - her time in the salon is the indulgence of self-care. Your service can attract different people, which are all on display.


In other words, educating your employees and customers is crucial. Don't think of your services and products as "what you sell", but as tools to educate others about beauty and health. Even people with limited budgets want to enjoy services that make them look and feel the best.


Vicki wants to be a hot girl for all beautiful things. She realizes that she needs to get new customers and create a topic among her regular customers. Therefore, she began to promote various benefits and share important health, health care and beauty secrets through social media. When her business began to grow, she thought, "Why didn't I see myself as a resource earlier?"


She created a service package with an interesting name, provided a small discount for booking multiple services at the same time, and ensured the provision of retail products before and after the service.


In addition, Vicky created monthly retail promotions. Who doesn't like shopping therapy? Provide products that can be used in the services you provide, and can also be used at home. Many successful salons also sell cosmetics, jewelry and other "impulse" items; Just make sure the product makes sense for your business.


She adopts an unconventional marketing strategy. If you find that people don't respond to your current promotion, change them! Use your software report to find out which guests have not tried all your services and offer them discounts. Cross-selling is a good way to keep players revisited many times a week.


Finally, she pays attention to cultivating the relationship with guests. This may mean spending extra time listening to them talk about their bad day, or telling them about your recent obsession with beauty products. We are in a relationship building business, right?


Being a one-stop beauty shop doesn't mean you can provide all the services in the market. This only means that you and your enterprise are valuable resources. When you make decisions for guests, they will appreciate your efforts, and they will feel warm and kind after each visit!

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