Facial acne is a very common worldwide concern for a majority of teenagers and adults. When acne breakouts happen on the face and go out of control, self-esteem and self-confidence can plummet. Ignored aggressive, overlapping, and frequent acne outbreaks can subside to leave discolored marks and scars and that is even more embarrassing.
If suffering from facial acne outbreaks or scars, here comes the relief: Acne Laser Treatment in Gurgaon, performed at SB Aesthetics can minimally invasively and easily address both concerns!
How lasers remove acne or pimples from face?
An active facial acne outbreak means the facial skin pores are clogged with excess dirt, skin cell debris, and excess sebum (oil). These clogged pores are a matchless incubator for acne-causing bacteria. Within the pores, bacterial growth causes mini-infections.
In an acne treatment with a laser, a coherent beam of light of a specific wavelength penetrates the skin’s outer layers without causing any harm. Thus, the lasers can precisely, safely, and effectively work to treat active acne. Popular laser types that work for acne removal include 1450 nm diode laser, Fractional Erbium YAG 2940 nm lasers, Fractional Erbium Glass 1540 nm lasers, and Carbon Dioxide laser.
Lasers work in a variety of ways to remove acne from the face. The three mechanisms of action of lasers for acne are as follows:
Killing of acne-causing bacteria: Lasers produce immense heat energy that could inhibit bacterial growth or eliminate some of the bacteria from the clogged pore. With reduced active bacteria, the body’s natural healing system responds to combat acne.
Reduced sebum production: The thermal energy generated by laser works to shrink the sebaceous glands existing on the oily skin of the face ultimately reducing sebum production. This leads to unclogging of pores or less active acne.
Anti-inflammatory action: The severity of inflammatory acne outbreaks like pimples, pustules, nodules, and cysts can be reduced with the action of lasers as they have anti-inflammatory properties.
Confused about whether the laser will work for your facial acne?
Visit at SB Aesthetics and arrange for a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She can fully assess your facial skin condition and talk about what to expect from laser treatment for facial acne. If everything fits in, you can go ahead with the acne removal and even for acne scar laser treatment in Gurgaon at an affordable price. Other procedures for acne and acne scar management are also available at the clinic.