Blast-resistance film

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How it works?Blast-resistance windows film

Blast-resistant films, also known as anti-blast films, enhance the safety of glass windows during explosions. Here’s how they work:

  1. Reinforcement: These films are applied directly to the glass surface. They provide an additional layer of strength and flexibility to the window.

  2. Fragment Retention: In the event of an explosion, the film holds the glass shards together, preventing them from scattering. This reduces the risk of injury caused by flying glass fragments.

  3. Energy Absorption: The film absorbs some of the blast energy, reducing the impact on the glass. It helps prevent the window from shattering completely.

  4. Mitigating Pressure Waves: Blast-resistant films can also mitigate the effects of blast pressure waves. While they don’t eliminate the pressure entirely, they help distribute it more evenly across the glass.

Remember that these films are a critical safety measure in buildings, vehicles, and other structures prone to blast risks. 

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