What You Should Know About Contact Lenses ?

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If you are thinking about trying contact lenses, it’s important to speak with your eye care provider. They’ll be able to answer any questions you may have and give you tips on how to use them.

If you are thinking about trying contact lenses, it’s important to speak with your eye care provider. They’ll be able to answer any questions you may have and give you tips on how to use them.

A contact lens is a clear disk that focuses light to the retina and is used for vision correction. They can be worn on the front of the eye, or inserted in to the sclera (white of the eye).

They correct vision

In addition to correcting vision, contact lenses can also enhance eye color and treat certain eye diseases. There are many different types of contact lenses available, and each type has its own benefits and drawbacks. Talk to your eye care provider about the best option for you.

The first contact lenses were made from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA or Perspex/Plexiglas). These were referred to as hard contact lenses and have a number of adverse and serious clinical effects due to their inability to allow oxygen through to the cornea. In the late 1970s, improved rigid materials that are oxygen-permeable were developed and are known as rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses.

Soft contacts are softer than hard contact lenses and have the advantage of being able to absorb water, chemicals, and bacteria. They can also soak up smoke, lotions, and sprays that may irritate your eyes. However, they tend to rip and tear more easily than hard or RGP lenses. They also have a shorter shelf life and require more regular replacement. They often contain a preservative called thiomersal, which has been linked to corneal infections in some people.

They are convenient

The convenience of contact lenses makes them a favorite among young people. In a recent survey, teens reported that wearing contact lenses made them feel attractive, confident, and more like themselves. They also said that they benefited from improved self-perception in areas such as athletic competence and social acceptance.

Most contact lenses are made of soft plastics that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. They are also breathable and comfortable, and many provide UV protection. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes to suit various eye health and vision needs.

Some soft contact lens are designed for daily wear, while others can be worn overnight (referred to as extended wear). Some of these are called silicone hydrogels, which permit a greater amount of oxygen to reach the cornea when you sleep. Generally, it’s important to remove your lenses before bed. Your eye care professional can evaluate your tolerance for overnight wear, which will be based on the type of lens and your eye health history.

They are comfortable

Contact lenses can be a bit uncomfortable if they don’t fit correctly. It’s important to get your eyes checked regularly to make sure that they’re properly fitted and clean. A good eye care practitioner will be able to recommend the right type of lens for you and can provide instructions on how to use them.

When putting in and removing your contacts, it is best to rinse your hands before touching them. This will ensure that you don’t transfer dirt or debris to the lens and eye. It’s also helpful to keep your nails short and use lubricating drops to make the process more comfortable.

Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses are made of durable materials that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea and offer clearer, crisper vision. They are easy to maintain and last longer than soft contact lenses, but they may be uncomfortable at first. It’s also harder to see up close with rigid lenses.

They are safe

Contact lenses are medical devices that put an artificial substance in direct contact with the eye. They absorb particles, chemicals, bacteria and mold that can irritate the cornea. These pollutants can stick to the lens or the eye and cause infection. It’s important to wash your hands before touching a contact lens, and to clean and store the lenses properly. Always keep a supply of multipurpose contact solution and a storage case with you. It’s also a good idea to keep a pair of backup glasses with you in case your lenses rip or tear.

Avoid buying contact lenses without a valid prescription from unlicensed dealers such as beauty or costume stores. These contacts are not regulated by the FDA and could contain dangerous or harmful chemicals. They may also be incorrectly sized or colored and not fit your eyes. This increases your risk of serious injury, such as a corneal ulcer. Infections and other eye problems can be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle and attending follow-up visits with your eye care professional.

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