Palmar Hyperhidrosis Symptoms - Dr. Arvind Kumar

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Palmar Hyperhidrosis Symptoms - Dr. Arvind Kumar

Palmar hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating of the palms, is a condition that can significantly impact daily life and emotional well-being. Dr. Arvind Kumar, a renowned thoracic surgeon, provides a comprehensive overview of the symptoms associated with this condition, helping individuals understand its manifestations and the need for appropriate management.

Primary Symptoms

  1. Excessive Sweating:

    • The most prominent symptom of palmar hyperhidrosis is excessive and uncontrollable sweating of the palms. This sweating occurs regardless of external factors like temperature or physical activity. Patients often notice that their hands are persistently damp or wet, even in cool environments.
  2. Clammy Hands:

    • Individuals with palmar hyperhidrosis frequently experience clammy or sticky hands. This constant moisture can make the skin on the palms feel cool and damp to the touch, leading to discomfort.
  3. Difficulty Gripping Objects:

    • Excessive sweating can impair the ability to grip objects firmly. This can affect everyday activities such as holding a pen, using a computer mouse, driving, or handling tools. In severe cases, it can interfere with professional tasks and hobbies, particularly those requiring fine motor skills.

Secondary Symptoms

  1. Social and Emotional Impact:

    • Palmar hyperhidrosis can lead to significant social and emotional distress. Individuals may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about shaking hands, holding hands, or engaging in social interactions that involve touch. This can lead to anxiety, social withdrawal, and decreased self-esteem.
  2. Skin Issues:

    • Constant moisture on the palms can cause skin problems such as maceration (softening and breaking down of the skin), irritation, and fungal or bacterial infections. The skin may become red, itchy, and prone to developing rashes or sores.
  3. Impaired Daily Activities:

    • Everyday activities like writing, typing, and using electronic devices can become challenging due to slippery palms. For students and professionals, this can affect productivity and performance.

Diagnosis and Awareness

Dr. Arvind Kumar emphasizes the importance of recognizing these symptoms early. Many individuals may not seek medical help, attributing their condition to nervousness or environmental factors. However, if excessive sweating of the palms is persistent and affecting quality of life, it is crucial to seek a medical evaluation.

Comprehensive Management

Understanding the symptoms of palmar hyperhidrosis is the first step toward effective management. Dr. Arvind Kumar advocates for a multidisciplinary approach, which may include lifestyle modifications, topical treatments, medications, and advanced medical procedures like Botox injections or Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) surgery for severe cases.


Palmar hyperhidrosis symptoms that go beyond mere physical discomfort, impacting social interactions, emotional health, and daily activities. Recognizing these symptoms and seeking professional help from experts like Dr. Arvind Kumar can lead to effective treatment and improved quality of life.

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