Goldendoodles Tips and Tricks

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Establishing a daily schedule will help your dog develop routine and confidence. This includes crate training, taking them outside for bathroom breaks, eating, and playtime.

Goldendoodles are a clever and playful breed. Teaching them fun tricks is easy and a great way to bond with them.

Establishing a daily schedule will help your dog develop routine and confidence. This includes crate training, taking them outside for bathroom breaks, eating, and playtime.

Until they’re fully vaccinated, expose your puppy to new people and situations gradually.


Grooming is the main way that you can affect your Goldendoodles appearance. Whether you choose to groom them yourself or take them to the groomers, the ultimate goal is to keep their coat clean, free of mats, and maintain that lovable look we all know and love!

Daily brushing helps reduce allergens, tangles, and matting. It also keeps their coat healthy and prevents their fur from becoming soiled, hot, or dry.

Ear cleaning is another important part of grooming your Goldendoodle. Use a liquid ear cleaner (like Zymox), ear wipes, or a soft cotton ball to massage the ears and remove any earwax that has built up. This will help prevent ear infections.


Puppies need consistent training to learn and follow commands. It’s important to train them using positive reinforcement, never scolding or punishing as they will only become fearful of you and will not listen.

Goldendoodles are very intelligent and love to please. Using treats and toys as motivation to complete tasks will help keep their attention. This is especially true during the puppy stage when they have boundless energy.

Crate training is also a good way to get your Goldendoodle on a routine. They can spend up to three hours in their crate per day and should only be taken out for potty breaks, walks, playtime, eating and learning new commands. This will prevent accidents, food aggression and separation anxiety. Guided socialization also helps your Goldendoodle learn how to handle unfamiliar people and pets. This will help them feel comfortable in any situation and avoid being overly agitated by people or other animals that may enter their home.


Goldendoodles are generally healthy pups, particularly when they're bred by reputable breeders who prioritize health testing and follow ethical breeding practices. However, like every dog, they have unique health risks that should be monitored by pet parents.

For example, Goldendoodles are often seen in veterinary emergency clinics for ingesting foreign objects that cause GI blockages. These include socks (yes, even used ones), underwear, hair ties, bars of soap, and corn cobs. These puppies are also prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears, so it's important for pet parents to clean their pups' ears weekly with a diluted Eptioptic solution.

In addition to ear cleaning, a good diet and regular exercise can help your Goldendoodle maintain optimum health. Be sure to use a food formulated for the life stage of your puppy and limit treats. It's also important to maintain routine vet visits, which can be easily scheduled on the Vetted app! This way, you can ensure your pup has all their core vaccines and is in good health.


Goldendoodles typically have a low prey drive, which means they don’t usually see new animals as threats and will probably view them more like playmates. However, it is important to monitor your dog for signs of aggression.

Regular grooming is a great way to keep your goldendoodle healthy and happy. Brush them frequently with a slicker brush to ensure you reach their undercoat and check for any mats or tangles. You should also give them baths when they are noticeably dirty.

Because of their poodle heritage, Goldendoodles can be prone to hereditary conditions, such as hip and elbow dysplasia. Make sure to choose a breeder that has screened their breeding stock for these conditions. Additionally, make sure to take your puppy on regular trips to the vet for preventative care. These visits can help catch potential issues before they become serious and save you money in the long run. Plus, regular visits can also help you establish a stronger bond with your dog by showing them that they are loved and wanted.

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