Use WordPress To Start Blogging Right Away

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Using wordpress can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. There is so much information, much of it confusing to the layperson. If you do not know how to maximize your results with wordpress, you have come to the right place. The following ideas can help you successfully navigate w


With WordPress you have lots of choices in themes so you can have a really good looking blog. Take plenty of time to peruse all of your choices so that you can select just the right one to suit your style and your topic. For a truly unique theme, select a premium theme. This will really help your blog stand out from the crowd.

Keep your permalinks clean and understandable. That means you should look at the permalink box every time you put up a new post. Does the title in the URL make sense? Does it help from an SEO standpoint? If not, click on it and alter it until it is perfect.

Do not let your theme get stale. The first thing you should do if you notice a decrease in traffic is check and see when you last changed your theme. As your site grows and changes, the theme should as well. Make sure that it accurately reflects your brand, and you should see a rise in traffic.

If you are new to WordPress themes, make sure to keep your sidebar simple. Make sure that it only has the essentials. Your visitors shouldn't have to weed through a ton of ads and banners to find the links they want to click on. Try removing the items in Appearance Widgets that don't contribute anything to your cause or business.

Work on making the greeting found at the beginning of your WordPress page even better. You can cultivate customer relationships this way, by including a message on top commenting on how visitors found your site. This helps things look natural and you can find it on the plugin called WP Greet Box.

Get to know your WordPress WYSIWYG editor. When you write a new post, you'll see a small bar that goes across the text input area. This is your WYSIWYG editor - meaning whatever you push will happen to whatever text you have highlighted. If you choose bold in the editor, the text you have chosen will become bold. It's similar to using Microsoft Word.

For the novice WordPress user, this article was chock full of new ideas. Now that you have read it, you ought to have a better idea of how to make your site more appealing. Implement these suggestions into your site. You will notice that your traffic increases and you will get more return visitors.

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