All Poker Hands Ranking: Learn How to Play Poker

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Master poker by learning all poker hand rankings with our detailed guide. Understand each hand's value and improve your game to become a winning player.

Poker is a famous card game for four players that is well known for its use of skill, game playing, and chances of fortune. And if you are going to gamble and especially if you are planning to do this professionally, it is quite important to know how poker hands ranked. Enjoy this brief poker hand guide which exposes the types of hands, general rules, and characteristics of the main poker types, and useful advice for novices.

There are numerous poker rooms where you can enjoy some entertainment. If you find yourself in Winnipeg, the Winnipeg poker rooms are your best bet for a poker adventure. The guide will help you navigate through regardless of whether you are a beginner or a regular player. 

Poker Hand Rankings

All poker hands group are formed based on the mathematical chances of receiving each hand in the game of poker. Here's a detailed breakdown of poker game hands, from the highest to the lowest-ranking hands: Here's a detailed breakdown, from the highest to the lowest-ranking hands:

Royal Flush

Royal Flush is the highest rank in the poker hands ranking, and it is also the highest set of cards that any interlocutor can be given. An example of this is a hand, which contains an Ace, a King, a Queen, a Jack, and a Ten, and they are all in the same pattern. This hand is quite exotic and virtually unbeatable.

Straight Flush

In detail, Straight Flush comprises five consecutive cards which belong to the same suit. For instance, you have 8-9-10-J-Q of hearts combined, but you are not allowed to join them as they are of different suits. Holding them is also very rare, and it is only beaten by Royal Flush.

Four of a kind, also called quads, is a poker hand composed of four cards of equal rank and one other card of any rank.

Four of a Kind is four cards of the same denomination combined with one other unrelated card, also known as the ‘bender’ or the ‘kicker’—for instance, 9-9-9-9-2. The largest card of Four of a Kind determines the winner for two players if both have Four of a Kind.


A Flush is defined as card hands in poker; five cards of the same value, and different sequences are not required for that kind of combination. For instance, let's say it is 2 of spades, 5 of clubs, 7 of spades, 10 of diamonds, and king of spades. If both players have Flushes, the one with the highest rank of that particular flush is considered the winner. If those ranks are equal, the prime card on the list is taken into consideration, and this continues till a winner is realized.


A Straight is a poker card hand that contains five cards consecutively and of different ranks of suits. For instance, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of mixed suits. If two players land on two Straights, the player with the higher top card comes out as the winner.

Three of a Kind (Trips or Set)

Three of a Kind is a hand in which a player has three cards of the same rank in their possession. Three of a Kind is made up of three cards to the same rank and two merciful side cards—for instance, J-J-J-3-5. In terms of Three of a Kind, the player holding the better set also triumphs. If the sets are the same, the kickers are compared…

Two Pair

Two pairs have two cards with the same rank, two cards with another rank, and a fifth card that is not related to the set pairs—for example, Q-Q-5-5-9. If two or more players have received Two Pair, the player with higher pair ranks becomes the winner. If they are the same, the second pair is compared, and if necessary, the final tiebreaker option is employed.

High Card

If there are no further hands to be made, the combination with the highest rank takes the pot. For instance, if you have the four cards of A-7-5-4-2, then you will have the Ace high. In the case of equals among the face cards of two players, the next highest is taken into consideration, and so on.

Basic Rules of Poker

Poker is a game in which players deal cards until they finally decide on the winner through several betting rounds.

The Deal

As a general rule in various forms of poker, the dealer gives out a predetermined amount of cards to each player. For example, in a game such as Texas Hold’em, the cards that are to be played are two private cards for each player, but in Five Card Draw, the number of cards that a player receives is five cards.

Betting Rounds

In poker games, several betting rounds are usually followed. Unlike in draw poker, players can either check, bet, call, raise, or fold, depending on the strength of their hand or game plan. The betting rounds are also one of the popular features that increase the level of interest and make the gameplay more intense.

Common Variants of Poker

Poker comes in different types, and each type is usually played in accordance with its specific rules and tactical approaches.

Texas Hold'em

In Texas Hold’em, each player is given two hidden cards, and four face-up shared cards are dealt in the middle of the table. Each player strives to create the best possible hand from their two cards and the five cards provided by the dealer. Texas hold’em is also common and is used in most tournaments of poker.


Omaha is similar to Texas Hold’em but with a key difference: each team receives four-hole cards or pocket cards, and five community cards must be used together with two-hole cards to constitute the best possible hand. The no-limit version of Omaha is played much more frequently, leads to relatively high scores, and is preferred by professional players.

Five Card Draw

A card Draw is one of the easiest forms of playing poker and is favored by inexperienced players. In this game, every player is given five face-down cards, and after a round of betting and checking, drawing is allowed so as to exchange cards in case the initial deal is not good enough. The players with the highest total adjust their hand rankings depending on the total of all the other hands in poker and win the round.

Tips for Beginners

If you're new to poker, these tips will help you get started and improve your game: If you're new to poker, these tips will help you get started and improve your game:

Learn Hand Rankings

To every player, it is imperative to know which hands defeat which hands, as this is the basic foundation of the game. As you play, it will be useful to know how the hands are ranked so you can make the right call at the right time.

Start with Low Stakes

One can play low till one gets to know the game well with the aim of not losing a huge amount of money when playing. It also saves you money, which gives you an opportunity to be more professional when you play the game instead of stressing yourself because you have lost a lot of money.

Manage Your Bankroll

As a rule, it is recommended that a limit should be set to the amount of money that one can afford to spend on poker and should not exceed this limit. Bank management in our poker hands explained article is quite critical and is important in order to avoid getting to broke and to make sure you can spend more time and options on improving.

It is very important to know how the poker hands are ranked, the rules of the game, and the most popular types of the game for anyone interested in the game of poker, whether it is for a casual game or professional poker playing. For those of you people who play pool recreationally or as serious players, learning what is a poker hand will improve your game when at the pool table. Just remember that it is an element of chance mixed with skill and ability. Thus, you have to continue to play and learn in order to improve your skills in a game of poker.

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