6 Unique Things to Do in London England

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Visit these 6 unique things to do in London England and add to your holiday delight. Enjoy these lesser-known attractions of the city.

The capital city of England and the United Kingdom, London, has a rich historical legacy. This 21st-century city is also dotted with plenty of unusual attractions that keep tourists on their toes.

So, if you want to explore the off-beaten track of unique things to do in London, here is a quick guide for you. Go for historical havens, wildlife adventures, extreme dining, and various strange surprises.

6 Exclusive Things to Do in London England

Brimming with places to explore, London has a host of museums, parks, world-class theatres, music venues, and much more. Whichever you choose to visit, you stay hooked on it. Since the place is blessed with a plethora of such wonders, you will take forever to cover all.

So, for your convenience, here are the top 6 things to do in London that will introduce you to the unique charm.

Explore the Grant Museum

Does natural history fascinate you? Then, this museum waits for you. Gawk at the rich skeleton collection here. Yes, it’s eerie but unique and a memorable experience. This is a lesser-known attraction that commands your visit.

Watch a massive elephant skull, tiny moles in a jar, etc.  After spending time here, you will carry home a whole lot of zoological facts. You will have whooping information to share with others about such things.

Dine in the Dark

Ever went to dine in a pitch-dark restaurant? If not, it’s time to experience this dining style. Eat at Dans le Noir and re-evaluate your gastronomic approach. Can’t wait to experience it? But have you booked a Delta flight there? No worries, count on Delta Airlines Change Flight Policy and change your flight at your convenience.

Blind stewards of the restaurant take you to a dark basement, where you pick one of four color-coded mystery menus. The place makes you focus on your meal's smell, texture, and taste.

Visit an Arty Island

You might have strolled along the Thames. But have you ever explored the mini islands peppered along the stretch between Putney and Hampton Court? Take this trip on your next London visit.

Among the largest islands here is Eel Pie Island. It is also the most famous of all. The island shot to fame in the 1960s for being a spot of blues gigs. Later, it became popular for its recording studio. Now, there are artists’ studios and a nature reserve.

Discover a Kitsch Treasure Trove

Go through a usual street in East Dulwich, where you will come across a distinctive abode. It is created on the concept of “one man's trash being another man’s treasure”. The artist Stephen Wright has been covering the areas of this home with kitschy mosaics.

Here, you will find that things arrive in a magical way. Make sure to find out when you can visit it, as the attraction is made accessible to visitors only for a few days in a year.

Take a Nap at the Zoo

Can you imagine this? An experience beyond imagination and worth cherishing; welcomes you to the zoo here. You will feel like you are living a part of the ‘Jungle Book’ in real life. To enjoy this experience at the earliest, go for Delta Airlines Español Teléfono today!

You can rent a lodge to dream in the zoo, go for guided tours in the area, and watch the wildlife up close. It includes breakfast and dinner. So, satiate your hunger pangs before dozing off for a relaxing night.

Soak Up ’80s Aura at Little Nan’s Bar

Another unique place that welcomes you to London is this 1980’s full-throttle place where you can dine some delectable treats and wash down those with refreshing cocktails. Select your drinks from menus printed as Charles and Diana memorabilia books.

Sip on mocktails in mugs bearing leopard prints. The bar is now also open in Fitzrovia and Stockwell open venues.

In a nutshell, you will fall in love with the quirky aspect of lovely London. Apart from the much-famed Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, etc., these distinctive things will give you a different edge on the city.


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