How to Renaming Files and Directories with CMD?

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Learn how to efficiently rename files and directories using the Windows Command Prompt (CMD). Discover essential commands, wildcard techniques, and best practices for managing your file system. Master the art of renaming with ease!

Renaming files and directories using the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) can be a best way to organize your files, correct naming mistakes, or simply make your file system more readable. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, mastering the art of renaming is essential. Let’s dive into the basics!

Renaming a Single File

  1. Open CMD: Press Win + R, type cmd, and hit Enter.
  2. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to move to the folder containing the file you want to rename.
  3. Rename the File:
    • Syntax: ren "old_file_name" "new_file_name"
    • Example: ren "my_file.txt" "new_name.txt"

Advanced Techniques


  • Use * as a wildcard to match any characters.
  • Example: To rename all .txt files in a folder, use ren *.txt new_extension.txt.

Replacing Unwanted Characters

  • Suppose you have a file named my_file-some-unwanted-text.txt.
  • To remove the unwanted text and keep the base name, use:
    ren "my_file-some-unwanted-text.txt" "my_file.txt"

Renaming Multiple Files

  • If you want to rename multiple files with similar names, use ? as a placeholder for characters.
  • Example: To rename file1.txtfile2.txt, etc., to sample1.txtsample2.txt, etc.:
    ren file?.txt sample?.txt

Caution: Backup First!

  • Renaming multiple files can be risky. Always make a backup before running rename commands.
  • Create a copy of the files in a temp folder, test your rename commands there, and then apply them to the original files.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Experiment with different scenarios, and soon you’ll be a renaming pro

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