Maintain Physical Life with Fildena 100 Mg

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Several drugs are available to treat erectile dysfunction in men, which is a problem related to sex. One way to do that is to use drugs to enhance your sex life.

Sildenafil, an ingredient in Fildena 100 Mg, is a member of the class of medications known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Men with erectile dysfunction are treated with it. A man with erectile dysfunction, sometimes referred to as impotence, cannot maintain the hard erected penis necessary for engaging in sexual activity. This medication can be taken one hour prior to sexual activity. Only men over the age of 18 should take the medication fildena 100mg. This medication has a six-hour half-life. Alcohol and fatty foods will slow down the effects of the 100 mg of Fildena medication, therefore avoid consuming them together. This medication can be used either before or after a meal. This medication can be taken with water.

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