Raffle Tickets For Nonprofit Organizations

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A raffle is a fun way to raise money for your nonprofit organization. Whether you want to give away an expensive item or a simple prize, there are many ways to sell raffle tickets.

A raffle is a fun way to raise money for your nonprofit organization. Whether you want to give away an expensive item or a simple prize, there are many ways to sell raffle tickets.

The most important thing is to choose a prize that will attract ticket buyers. Memberships to local museums and family-friendly activities are popular choices.


If you’re planning a large event, it may be better to have the tickets printed professionally. Some companies specialize in printing raffle tickets, and they can usually provide you with a high-quality product at an affordable price. These companies can even ship your order to you in a timely manner.

Consider getting local businesses to donate prizes for your raffle. This is a great way to save money and also promote your organization to the community. Also, you can ask your local newspaper to print articles about the raffle, which will help attract more potential donors.

When you’re ready to print the tickets, load enough paper into your printer to make as many as you need. It’s a good idea to have some extras, just in case you need them later. You can also measure out the ticket size and cut them by hand, but this is a time-consuming process. A template can help you get the job done more quickly.


Raffles are often considered forms of gambling, and some states regulate how many raffles nonprofit organizations can hold per year or what types of prizes are allowed. It is important to consult with the local authorities before organizing a raffle and to ensure that you comply with any regulations. In addition, you should make sure that the raffle fits into your mission statement and that the organization has a clear plan to distribute proceeds after the event.

Organizing raffle tickets is a critical part of fundraising, and your volunteers should be well trained in this area. It is also important to keep records of each ticket sold and the number of stubs collected. Some people may fold a ticket or spill something on it, and these stubs will not be accepted in the drawing.

To encourage ticket sales, consider sourcing some high-profile prizes from businesses and athletes. These prizes will get more attention on social media and will entice donors to buy more tickets.


The prizes offered by raffle tickets depend on the cause of the fundraiser. They can be as simple as a small cash prize or as grand as a vacation trip. Some organizations choose to tie the prizes to their mission, so that supporters will feel more connected to the organization. This can also boost ticket sales, as people are willing to pay a higher price for something they believe in.

For example, memberships to local museums or theaters can be popular raffle prizes for families. Another option is to offer services, such as having windows washed or child care for an evening. Other prizes include electronics, jewelry, or sports equipment. Generally, the more expensive the prizes, the more money a nonprofit can raise.

A large part of the success of a raffle depends on the volunteers who sell tickets. Be sure to train them well and provide them with a system for keeping track of their ticket stubs. Make sure that they have a date by which all ticket stubs and donations must be turned in.


In order to reach their sales goals, nonprofits must plan ahead. Raffle tickets should be available for purchase at least two months before the drawing date. This gives the organization time to spread the word, promote the prize, and sell enough tickets to meet their revenue goal.

Nonprofits should advertise their raffle on social media and other platforms. They can also target their ads by location and time zone to maximize their effectiveness. In addition, they should encourage their volunteers to share the message about the raffle with their friends and family.

Door-to-door solicitation is a time-consuming and labor-intensive way to sell tickets. It is best to send volunteers out in pairs so that one person can make the approach and the other can record the sale. Also, it is important to dress volunteers in a way that conveys legitimacy. People are more likely to buy tickets from people they trust.

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