5 Best Ecommerce Advertising Platforms

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Advertisers may bid on certain keywords to have their adverts shown on websites and search engines inside the 7Search network using the 7Search PPC platform. The advertisement of the highest bidder is shown prominently when a user searches for a certain term; the advertiser only pays when

Ecommerce and affiliate monetization strategies are being used by publishers more often in an effort to expand and diversify their revenue sources. Selecting the appropriate social media and advertising channels can be difficult, despite the move's strategic significance.

One of the quickest methods to influence your brand's recognition and online sales in the short and long terms is through paid advertisements.

However, which ecommerce advertising platform is best for your advertising approach?

To help you choose the best ecommerce advertising network for your items, we've compiled a list of the top 5 platforms and compared their benefits in this post.

5 Best E-commerce Ad Platforms:

  1. Google Ads
  2. 7Search PPC
  3. Bing Ads
  4. Facebook Ads
  5. Instagram Ads

What is Ecommerce Advertising?

Traditionally, publishers have used ecommerce advertising to raise awareness of other businesses' goods and services in an effort to boost sales. Publishers themselves, however, can utilize advertising to further their own growth objectives.

Advertising networks like Facebook, Google Shopping, and Instagram are paid by publishers to display their online advertisements

Advertisers pay according to predetermined targets and KPIs, which may include:

  • Placement: To host the advertisement on the website, the advertiser must pay a placement charge.
  • Impressions are the number of times an advertisement is viewed; the advertiser pays for each impression.
  • Clicks: Also known as pay-per-click (PPC), the advertiser only pays the publisher when a user clicks the advertisement.

5 Best Ecommerce Ad Platforms

Google Ads

As one of the greatest ad networks available, Google Ads may be thought of as the king of ecommerce advertising platforms.

You may show sponsored search advertising on Google search engine results pages (SERPs) by using Google advertising, formerly known as Google Adwords.

Google is an excellent platform for both search and display ads, whether you want to increase brand recognition or attract new clients. You may also utilize the Google Display Network (GDN) to place advertisements on well-known websites. 


  • Broad Reach: With over 100 billion queries processed monthly, Google is the largest search engine available. You may use the search engine's broad reach to improve sales for your online store.
  • High ROAS: The average return on ad spend (ROAS) for Google Ads is estimated to be 2:1 and for the Google Search Network it's 800%—that's huge potential for your online store.


  • Can get costly: Pricing scales up quickly meaning larger enterprises can pay up to $150,000 per year or more—you need to be sure you're getting a worthwhile return on ad spend.
  • Poor customer service: It's crucial to know what you're doing (or employ an agency that does) because there isn't much customer service.

7Search PPC

Advertisers may bid on certain keywords to have their adverts shown on websites and search engines inside the 7Search network using the 7Search PPC platform. The advertisement of the highest bidder is shown prominently when a user searches for a certain term; the advertiser only pays when the ad is clicked.

Advantages of 7Search PPC

  • Cost-Effective: Advertisers can set their budgets and bids, ensuring they don't overspend. It is therefore the best choice for small companies with tight marketing resources.
  • Niche Targeting: Advertisers can select specific keywords and demographics, ensuring their ads are seen by their intended audience. This niche targeting increases the chances of conversion.
  • Quick Setup:  Setting up a 7Search PPC campaign is relatively easy and quick. You can have your ads up and running within a short period, making them suitable for time-sensitive promotions.
  • High Burstiness: Advertisers can take advantage of these spikes meaning there are periods of increased traffic, to maximize their exposure and potentially gain more clicks and conversions.

Disadvantages of 7Search PPC

  • Smaller Audience: Compared to major PPC platforms like Google Ads, 7Search has a smaller user base. This can limit your reach, especially if you are targeting a broad audience.
  • Competition: The bidding process on 7Search PPC can be highly competitive, particularly for popular keywords. Advertisers may need to bid aggressively to secure the top positions, which can increase costs.

Bing Ads

Even while Google still has a significant advantage over other search engines, Bing has grown significantly in recent years.

Microsoft claims that Bing continues to have a 14.5% worldwide market share for desktop PC search engines. On the Bing Network, 687 million distinct PC searchers perform 14.5 billion queries each month.

The shocking fact is that, in the past week, 100% of searchers on the Microsoft Search Network made an online purchase.

Therefore, if you wish to target this purchasing demographic, Bing Ads have to be a part of your advertising plan. Similar to Google Shopping Ads, Bing Shopping is another option.


  • Less competition: You'll receive greater value out of your digital marketing strategy if there are fewer advertisers on Bing. According to reports from Search Engine People, the typical cost-per-click, or CPC, for a Bing Ad is 70% lower than that of a Google Ad.
  • Reach a variety of audiences: If you run Google Ad campaigns only, you won't reach users who aren't there since when you advertise on Bing, you also happen to be advertising on partner websites such as Yahoo and AOL.


  • Reduced reach: The reality that Bing Ads have a lesser audience reach and search volume than Google Ads is unavoidable.
  • Less sophisticated features: Since Bing Ads typically lag behind Google in terms of feature release dates, reporting is less thorough, and new features arrive later.

Facebook Ads

According to 2020 statistics from Facebook, over 2.8 billion people use the social media platform monthly—that's more than a third of the world's population! The most significant reason to incorporate Facebook Ads into your digital marketing efforts is the daily exposure you can provide your brand to hundreds of millions of individuals, who are your prospective consumers.

Facebook provides a large selection of ecommerce ads to assist you in achieving your campaign objectives. By expanding your reach and putting things in front of your target market, you may raise brand recognition. Alternatively, you may utilize Collection advertisements to bring the purchasing process straight to Facebook, allowing prospective buyers to proceed from "discovery" to "purchase" with ease.

Want to buy more things? Use Facebook's intelligent targeting to encourage both one-time and recurring purchases from loyal customers.


  • Reach billions: With billions of active accounts, Facebook has more users than any other social media network. Facebook advertising offers you a virtually limitless potential audience.
  • Identify your audience: Facebook is well-liked by a broad range of age groups and genders, so there's a good chance you'll connect with your target market.


  • Growing more costly: As a result of increased competition, Facebook advertising is getting more and more costly. All the same, Facebook advertising is still reasonably priced when compared to other ad networks.
  • Mastery takes time. It takes a while to become an expert at Facebook marketing, and many small ecommerce businesses lack the time and money to do it well.

Instagram Ads

Publishers could also think about Instagram, another extremely popular ecommerce advertising platform, but keep in mind that Instagram mostly consists of visual ads.

Instagram is a social network that is heavily brand-focused:

  • 81% of Instagram users research goods and services on the network.
  • Every month, 130 million Instagram users tap on posts about buying.

To market their products and engage with their target audience, advertisers may utilize Instagram stories, video reels, and image-based advertising. Users may interact with your items quickly and easily by clicking through Instagram advertising to your product page or another landing page.  


  • Highly engaged people: Instagram is the best medium for reaching your audience and getting them to consider your company because over half of its users log on to the social media network daily.
  • High-intent users: 75% of Instagram users take action on ads they see on their feed, and over one-third purchase products. Create effective paid ads as part of a targeted Instagram advertising strategy, and you can drive sales.


  • Takes time to master: Just like Facebook, marketing well requires a great deal of experience and sometimes the assistance of an expert.
  • High-quality graphic assets are necessary because Instagram is a predominantly visual medium. If you want to stand out, you should make an investment in high-quality material.


Ultimately, publishers want their social advertisements to increase traffic and revenue.

The importance of selecting the best ecommerce advertising platform for your items has never increased as the world of digital and content marketing continues to develop. Take your time analyzing their distinct advantages and disadvantages for your brand in order to choose which platform will enable you to connect with your audience the most effectively.

Next, proceed as you would with any other marketing campaign: test, measure, and experiment until you achieve the best outcomes.

Get in touch with us right now to find out more about how 7Search PPC can help you maximize the ad space on your website or app and boost your monthly ad revenue if your ad revenue is strong.

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