7 Things Rebel Wilson Did to Get Healthy and Maintain Her 77-Pound Weight Loss

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Rebel Wilson officially completed her "Year of Health" on December 31, 2020; however, she has continued her health practices ever since then.

Rebel Wilson officially completed her "Year of Health" on December 31, 2020; however, she has continued her health practices ever since then.


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Wilson has taken every opportunity to keep her fans and followers updated on her progress via candid Instagram photos and captions--while celebrating every milestone that comes her way.

Wilson wrote in her 2021 review: "Life is short; embrace every moment with all you've got!" and this year was "The Year of The Rainbow... after every storm comes a rainbow" --presumably alluding to her rebound from an early February split from former boyfriend Jacob Busch (they separated on Feb 14, 2021).

Wilson may have let her romantic relationship slip away, but that hasn't meant that her health habits have taken the same route. That doesn't mean it has always been straightforward though!

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Wilson shared her intention of declaring 2020 her Year of Health on Instagram because she hoped it would foster long-term change and hold herself accountable. Doing this publicly helped, yet was somewhat risky; previously she had lost weight only to gain it back again and draw criticism as a result.

This celebrity briefly discussed their graduation from law school in 2009, then their appearance in "Pitch Perfect" movie as Fat Amy in their most memorable scenes. As part of her "comedic persona," their size became part of their "comedy persona", though weight fluctuations became an ongoing struggle when they reached 20. She would lose and gain weight multiple times throughout this journey.

Wilson admitted in her BBC interview that when she decided to make her health a top priority in 2020, there was some resistance from within her own team in Hollywood - "people on my own team and even some in my own circle, actually." Wilson notes that some members were concerned that Wilson's career success in films such as Bridesmaids, Pitch Perfect, and Jojo Rabbit might be connected with her body size; part of her act.

Wilson never let that stop her; rather she realized deep inside that the emotional eating behaviors she engaged in weren't healthy - such as using food to dull emotions rather than as medicine - and resolved to stop engaging in such unhealthy practices immediately. "I knew deep down in myself that some of these emotional eating behaviors weren't appropriate: eating ice cream every night wasn't something my body needed; rather it was simply me using food to numb emotions in unhealthy ways," according to Wilson.

As much as she wanted to improve her health, the attention she soon attracted while losing 10, 40, and then 80 pounds was at times discomforting.

Wilson shared candidly with BBC that while in 2019 she released four successful movies and accomplished other amazing career goals, none received as much attention as her weight loss did the following year. "That year alone I lost 80 pounds - yet more attention was garnered by that act than being nominated for an Academy Award, producing one, or being part of any other aspect," Wilson says candidly. She wondered whether weight loss was really what women needed to do to gain fame or perhaps it was all just coincidence? Wilson observed, "It seems as if losing weight is all it takes." She wonders "why people are so fascinated by it?" she asks BBC.

Wilson also found it enlightening, during her BBC chat, to witness how differently other people treat her.

"I understand what it's like to feel invisible; no one holds open doors for you and no one acknowledges your presence, assuming you lack value because no one sees your attractive features as desirable enough for them. Biases against you arise solely due to appearance; something we should all take seriously and strive against.

Wilson notes, "Some people thought she'd no longer be funny now, and my response to them was, 'Just wait until you see my movies in 2019 - see what you think, guys.' What this has done career-wise is open up a whole range of dramatic roles which may have previously been impossible," noting she may have only been cast for comedic roles prior.

Wilson is taking time to reflect upon what she's accomplished so far and share what she's learned along the way. Here you'll find insight from that BBC interview, Women's Health magazine's November 2021 sit down, as well as an hour-long Instagram Live session she held in December 2020.

Wilson says the greatest change has taken place internally. She had previously had "Years of Fun and Love," so in 2020 Wilson decided to dedicate it as the "Year of Health." She prioritized herself and her wellbeing over work--citing turning 40 as motivation.

Wilson explained her personal journey on Live. As she shared what she has learned along the way, Wilson acknowledged her limitations as an amateur medical expert by discussing from personal experience alone and offering tips. No book, product or thing exists that's suitable; rather, individuals need to learn what works for themselves through small experiences like hers.

Wilson shared her top seven tips that have helped her lose weight and maintain it over time.

1. Acknowledging Imperfection

 Wilson does not approach health like an army; she aims to "attack it from all angles." She allows herself grace if she takes a day off or indulges in something not strictly according to the Mayr Method diet plan.

2. Pinpoint Your Motivation

Wilson was motivated to become healthier prior to freezing her eggs for future fertility after being diagnosed in her 20s with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, this meant feeling better overall and controlling their emotional eating while remaining true to themselves.

3. Get Real With Yourself

Wilson wrote an open letter to herself at the beginning of 2020 to make her commitment to her health more tangible.

4. Find Your Ideal Way of Exercising

Wilson finds most of her fitness activity through walking. "Walking is free and safe," Wilson explained in the Live. She likes putting on podcasts or books while walking in different towns she visits. Ideally, Wilson hopes to complete 60 minutes of physical activity six out of seven days per week whether that means walking alone or working with one of her personal trainers, with one day set aside each week as rest for rest and recuperation.

Now that Wilson has reached her target weight, she focuses on walking as part of her exercise regime, treating her muscles in between by soaking in her tub with Epsom salt or bath oil, according to Women's Health.

5. Optimize Your Nutrition

 Wilson acknowledges, with regret, that she underestimated the power of diet in weight loss efforts until this year. As a child, she often indulged in fast food or thought one rigorous workout was an excuse to consume three or four thousand extra calories on any given day. Wilson set herself the goal of eating 1,500-2,500 fewer calories daily when losing weight; now in maintenance mode, she's upped this to two to 2,500 daily.

After extensive trial and error, Wilson discovered she thrives best when adhering to a high-protein diet. While not adhering strictly to "clean eating", Wilson is mindful of how her body responds after each bite--aiming to consume everything mindfully and carefully.

Wilson told Women's Health that, rather than trying to lose any more weight, she has added more snacks - like occasional ice cream and chocolate - into her diet to make it more "maintainable." Additionally, she's adding healthier ingredients into her favorite entrees such as tacos (shredded carrots and avocado).

Wilson credits her key success to learning how to cope with emotional eating and better process and cope with emotions, which has altered her life for the better. "That has completely transformed my life!" she writes for Women's Health.

6. Appreciate Yourself

"Despite my confident, skilled, accomplished self, I still find it hard to appreciate myself," Wilson states on The Live. To address this problem she finds "purge emotional writing" extremely helpful: she sets a timer for 12 minutes and writes down all her emotions so they are no longer pent up inside. At the end of that period, she writes down one to five things she is grateful for in that day's list.

Wilson came to realize during her reflections that weight had nothing to do with health or happiness. According to BBC, Wilson has stated her happiness at having been able to convey the message that her goal wasn't just weight loss but overall wellness; something which should be our primary objective, not necessarily meeting what society considers to be beauty standards of any particular year.

7. Try Meditation

Wilson relies on her meditation app when feeling stressed to "re-center herself and come back into her body", according to Live.com.

Wilson advises people to "get out there, walk, walk. Drink water, find out which foods best fuel your body, and if like me you struggle with emotional eating, learn ways to help yourself," according to her Instagram video. These wise words come from someone who now considers herself "Fit Amy."

Attaining weight loss can be difficult. Maintaining it after participating in EatingWell's "Year of Health" can be even more so, according to Victoria Seaver, M.S., RD - EatingWell's deputy digital editor and registered dietitian.

Research published in 2019's Medical Clinics of North America indicates that approximately 80% of those who lose significant amounts of weight tend to regain most or all of it within 5 years, according to this 2019 study.

"Often people lose weight too rapidly; however, rapid weight loss doesn't translate to lasting change," according to Seaver. Achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss at one to two pounds a week maximum; otherwise, your body might attempt to compensate by craving high-calorie foods to replenish energy stores as you lose them; we often see this happen with restrictive diets where once off they can gain back all they lost plus more; therefore it's important that dietary plans or eating patterns be sustainable over the long haul and that fit seamlessly into life without hassle or stress."

Take the Mediterranean Diet as an example - its simplicity, flavorful components, and ability to promote weight loss can all come together in this diet, says Seaver. "By including many low-cal vegetables and high fiber foods in it, following it can help people shed excess pounds through healthy means."

If Wilson's success has inspired you, but you are uncertain where to begin, Seaver suggests speaking to either a dietitian or healthcare practitioner about customizing an approach and meeting your wellness goals sustainably.

"Hopefully, you'll discover that feeling energized, having a more positive outlook, and enjoying meals rather than stressing about them are better indicators of health than numbers on a scale," suggests Seaver.

Wilson conveyed similar sentiments during her BBC interview: "At 41 I feel I have fully grown into my looks, which I think is rare because most people peaked between 20-24. Maybe for me, it was like my life journey finally aligning and only fully flourishing around 40...But my aim is always to share just enough so others understand some of the struggles I've gone through...and help people," Wilson explained.

Wilson asserts that it's essential to remember, in the final analysis.


Frequently Asked Questions

What effect has the weight loss had on her overall health and general health?

Rebel Wilson said in an interview she's happy to be capable of undergoing this change and carrying on the transformation for one year, without ever abandoning the process.

What has changed in Rebel Wilson's confidence and self-esteem after her diet and weight loss journey?

Rebel is always an assertive woman. She does not attach her worth to her weight, regardless of her physical appearance. But, getting healthier certainly has made her feel happier about herself.

What role did technology like fitness trackers, or health apps have played in Rebel Wilson's journey to lose weight?

Wilson was equipped with the most advanced equipment in high tech to lose weight, however, she believes it's the small changes that can make a big difference, such as being determined to eat healthy and inspiring oneself to do regularly scheduled exercising.

What's Rebel Wilson's long-term strategy to maintain a healthy weight and way of life?

Wilson will continue on her journey to health and well-being and not be too hard on her. Wilson hasn't ever been deprived of any food however, she is now focusing on keeping junk food to a minimum as well as regularly exercising.

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