How to Get More Likes, Comments, and Shares

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As a content creator, driving more engagement with your audience is key to success. When posting on social media or publishing on your blog, likes, comments, and shares are the metrics that matter.

As a content creator, driving more engagement with your audience is key to success. When posting on social media or publishing on your blog, likes, comments, and shares are the metrics that matter. The more engagement you receive, the more visibility you gain and the bigger your reach. However, in today's noisy online world, capturing attention and spurring your followers to engage is no easy feat. With so much content and distractions competing for their time, you have to be strategic in your approach. Employing certain best practices can help you craft posts that resonate and motivate your readers to click that heart icon, type a comment, or hit the share button. If increasing engagement is your goal, here are some tips to remember.

Craft Catchy Headlines That Spark Interest

Crafting catchy yet thought-provoking headlines is key to increasing engagement on your social media posts. Well-written headlines spark interest and entice readers to click, like, comment and share.

Focus on using powerful words that evoke emotion or excitement, such as "secrets," "success," "you," "free," or "now." Pose your headline as a question or statement with a bold promise or claim. For example, instead of "Tips for Getting More Traffic to Your Website," try "3 Secrets to Driving 500% More Traffic to Your Website."

Keep your headline concise yet compelling, ideally within 1 to 10 words. Long headlines often lose the reader's interest. Aim for a reading level, around 8th to 12th grade, suited to your audience.

Use numbers whenever possible, as they attract attention and imply useful information. For example, "7 Ways to Double Your Productivity" or "The Top 5 Marketing Trends of 2021." Numbers also make a headline more scannable click here.

Include power verbs that provoke interest, like "get," "increase," "drive," "maximize," or "optimize." But avoid weak verbs such as "is," "are," "was," or "be."

Research shows that headlines with a negative or controversial stance, e.g., "What Your Boss Doesn't Want You to Know" or "The Biggest Myth About Social Media Marketing," often get more engagement. However, take care not to alienate or offend your audience.

Well-crafted headlines are one of the most important factors for getting more likes, comments, and shares on your social media posts. Following these proven guidelines will help capture interest and increase engagement from your audience.

Share High-Quality Images and Videos

To increase engagement on your posts, share high-quality images and videos. Visual content grabs attention and is more likely to be liked and shared.

Choose dynamic and compelling images that clearly illustrate your key message or topic. For the best results:

  • Use professional photos with good lighting and composition. Stock images are an affordable option if you don't have original photography.
  • Include images of people. Faces attract attention and help viewers connect with your content on an emotional level. Make sure you have the proper consent and releases if featuring specific individuals.
  • Use infographics, charts, illustrations, or other graphics to convey information in an easy-to-digest format. Keep text minimal, using visuals to do most of the explaining.
  • Post original video content. Short video posts, tutorials, or interviews are a great way to boost engagement. Keep videos under 2 minutes in length for the best results. Like with images, focus on high-quality production and an engaging style.
  • Optimize your media for each network. Attention to the image sizes, aspect ratios, and formats that work best for your target platforms. This will ensure your visual content is displayed prominently and catches the eye.
  • Include captions and hashtags. Well-written captions and strategic hashtags will make your visual content more discoverable and help search engines understand the topic and context. This amplifies your reach and engagement.

Incorporating compelling and optimized visual content gives your audience a reason to like, comment on, and share your posts. And that is the key to building an engaged following and community around your brand.

Ask Open-Ended Questions to Start a Conversation

Ask open-ended questions to start a conversation with your audience to increase engagement on your social media posts. ###Ask Questions That Prompt Discussion

Pose questions encouraging your audience to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions. For example:

  • What's your favorite [topic] and why?
  • What are your experiences with [topic or product]?
  • What are your thoughts on [trending news item]?

Rather than yes/no questions, ask questions that prompt discussion and sharing. Your followers will appreciate the opportunity to voice their perspectives.

Respond and Engage Further

Once people start commenting, engage with them by responding to their answers and asking follow-up questions. For example, if someone comments about their favorite book, you could ask what they enjoyed most or request recommendations for other great reads. Your responsiveness and genuine interest in the conversation will make people feel heard and build a connection with your brand.

Tag Other Users to Broaden the Discussion

To widen the conversation, tag other users in your follow-up questions and encourage them to share their input. For example, if two people mention opposing viewpoints, you could ask something like "@User1 and @User2, you bring up interesting perspectives. What do the rest of you think about this?" Tagging other users alerts them to the discussion and gives them an easy way to jump in with their thoughts.

Share the Best Responses

As the discussion builds up, share some of the most thoughtful responses by quoting them in a new post. Not only does this highlight the individuals who contributed, but it also allows others who may have missed the original conversation to join in. Be sure to tag the users you quote to spread social media love.

Using open-ended questions, engaging follow-up, tagging other users, and sharing the best responses are effective ways to start meaningful conversations with your social media followers and build a loyal community around your brand. Keep the discussion positive and inclusive to cultivate an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing.

Be Active in the Comments Section

Engaging with your followers in the comments section of your posts is one of the best ways to increase engagement. Responding to their comments shows you value their input and are an active part of the conversation.

Reply to Comments Promptly

Check your comments regularly and reply as soon as possible. Your followers will appreciate your responsiveness and be more likely to engage with you again. Respond to both positive and negative comments constructively. For critical comments, acknowledge the feedback and reiterate your key message points.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Pose questions in your posts and in the comments section to encourage discussion. Ask followers for their opinions, experiences, and advice. Open-ended questions motivate more in-depth responses than yes/no questions. For example, ask, "What tips do you have for..." or "What has your experience been with...?"

Thank Followers for Their Comments

Express appreciation for your followers' comments, likes, and shares. A simple "Thank you for the feedback" or "I appreciate you taking the time to comment" goes a long way in building goodwill and loyalty.

Tag Other Users

If another user would be interested in the discussion or could provide valuable input, tag them in a comment. Not only will they likely join the conversation, but your other followers may engage further to interact with the new participant. However, only tag others if relevant and appropriate.

Share Additional Resources

In the comments, provide links to helpful resources, related content, or products. Share recommendations from your followers as well. Useful information and recommendations are appreciated and prompt higher engagement.

You can gain more likes, shares, and followers with consistent activity and community building in the comments section. Engage with your audience authentically and meaningfully, and they will reward you with their loyalty and promote your content to others. Focus on the quality of conversations, not just the quantity of comments and likes.


Boosting engagement on social media posts and blogs is key to building your audience and influence. By implementing some of these tried-and-true strategies, you'll be well on your way to increasing likes, comments, and shares. Stay on top of trends, be authentic, use visuals, ask questions, and encourage interaction. Engagement is a two-way street, so like and comment on your followers' posts. With consistency and by providing value to your readers, you'll gain more traction and build better connections. Keep experimenting to see what resonates most with your audience. With time and practice, increasing engagement can become second nature.


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