Medicinal Cannabis: A Beginner's Guide

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Medical marijuana, also known as medicinal cannabis, is a term used to describe derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant that are used to ease symptoms caused by certain medical conditions. It has been gaining much national attention in recent years due to its potential medicinal benefits. This blog post will serve as a guide for those new to the world of medicinal cannabis and who need an introduction to how to use it safely and effectively.



Different Forms of Medicinal Cannabis


The most common form of medicinal cannabis is dried flowers, which can be smoked or vaporized. Other forms include tinctures, edibles, and topical creams. Each form has different effects and benefits depending on the strain and dosage.


Dried Flower


Dried flower is the most traditional form of medicinal cannabis and is typically smoked or vaporized using a pipe or vaporizer. Smoking or vaping dried flowers provides fast-acting relief from symptoms such as pain and nausea but can also cause coughing or irritation in some people. The effects usually last between two to four hours.




Tinctures are liquid extracts made from cannabis flowers that are taken orally using a dropper bottle. They provide more consistent dosing than smoking or vaping and have fewer side effects than other forms of ingestion, such as edibles. The effects usually last four to six hours but vary depending on the strain and dosage used.




Edibles are food products that contain cannabis extract in them, such as cookies, brownies, gummies, etc. They provide longer-lasting relief than smoking or vaping, but the effects take longer to kick in. It’s essential to start with a low dose when consuming edibles since it’s easy to overdo it with this method of ingestion due to delayed onset time.


Topical Creams


Topical creams are applied directly onto the skin, where they absorb into local tissues providing localized relief from symptoms such as pain without producing any psychoactive effects (i.e., no “high”). These creams usually take effect within minutes after application, but their effects don’t last very long.



Safety Measures When Using Medicinal Cannabis


Understanding the differences between medicinal cannabis products is crucial for those who use them for therapeutic purposes. This knowledge helps users choose the most suitable option for their needs while minimizing the potential risks associated with each method of ingestion or application, such as the risk of overdosing. To get the best results from their treatment plan and avoid side effects like anxiety or paranoia, users need to know which strains are most effective for their specific condition(s).



Final Thoughts


Medicinal cannabis has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits when used correctly under medical supervision. Different forms of medicinal cannabis exist, each providing other effects and benefits depending on the strain and dosage used. For more information on medicinal cannabis, we recommend visiting CannaPlus+ at any of our cannabis clinic NZ locations. Our knowledgeable team understands medicinal cannabis and can provide the information you need to make informed decisions.

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