How to Transfer Google Ads Account to Another Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Learn how to transfer your Google Ads account to another account seamlessly with this comprehensive step-by-step guide. Discover the process, FAQs, and tips for a successful transfer.

Transferring your Google Ads account to another account can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're merging accounts, selling your business, or simply reorganizing your advertising structure, this guide will walk you through the process of transferring your Google Ads account to another account. With step-by-step instructions, helpful FAQs, and essential tips, you'll be able to make the transition smoothly and efficiently. So, let's dive in and learn how to transfer your Google Ads account to another account!

How to Transfer Google Ads Account to Another Account

Transferring your Google Ads account to another account involves several crucial steps. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a successful transfer:

1. Assess Your Needs and Goals

Before initiating the transfer process, it's essential to assess your needs and goals for the transfer. Determine the reason behind the transfer and what you hope to achieve by moving your Google Ads account to another account. This will help you plan the transfer effectively and ensure a seamless transition.

2. Create a New Google Ads Account

To transfer your Google Ads account, you'll need to create a new account where the transfer will take place. Go to the Google Ads homepage and click on "Get Started." Follow the prompts to set up your new account. Make sure to provide accurate information during the account creation process.

3. Grant Access to the New Account

Once you've created the new Google Ads account, you'll need to grant access to the existing account that you wish to transfer. In the existing account, go to "Account Settings" and select "Account Access." Add the email address associated with the new account and assign administrative privileges.

4. Accept Access Request

In the new Google Ads account, you'll receive a request for access from the existing account. Check your email or notifications within the Google Ads interface to find the access request. Accept the request to establish a connection between the two accounts.

5. Initiate the Transfer

Once the access request is accepted, go to the existing account and navigate to "Account Settings" once again. Select "Transfer Account" and choose the new account as the destination for the transfer. Confirm the transfer request, and the process will begin.

6. Verify and Adjust Settings

After initiating the transfer, it may take some time for the process to complete. Meanwhile, you can verify and adjust settings in the new account. Ensure that all settings, such as billing information, ad campaigns, and targeting options, are correctly configured in the new account.

7. Monitor and Optimize

Once the transfer is complete, closely monitor the performance of your campaigns in the new account. Make any necessary adjustments or optimizations to ensure the continued success of your advertising efforts. Stay vigilant during this transition period to maintain a seamless experience for your customers.

FAQs about Transferring Google Ads Account to Another Account

Here are some frequently asked questions about transferring a Google Ads account to another account:

1. Can I transfer my Google Ads account to someone else?

Yes, you can transfer your Google Ads account to another person or business. The process involves granting access to the new account and initiating the transfer, as outlined in this guide.

2. Will my ad campaigns be affected during the transfer?

During the transfer process, there may be a temporary pause in your ad campaigns. However, once the transfer is complete, you can resume your campaigns in the new account without any significant impact on their performance.

3. Can I transfer multiple Google Ads accounts to a single account?

Yes, it is possible to transfer multiple Google Ads accounts to a single account. You'll need to follow the same steps outlined in this guide for each account you wish to transfer.

4. What happens to my billing information during the transfer?

When you transfer your Google Ads account, your billing information, including payment methods and invoicing details, will also be transferred to the new account. Ensure that all billing information is accurate and up to date before initiating the transfer.

5. Can I reverse the transfer if needed?

Once the transfer is complete, it is not possible to reverse the process. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully review your decision before initiating the transfer to ensure it aligns with your long-term goals and objectives.

6. What if I encounter issues during the transfer process?

If you encounter any issues or have specific questions during the transfer process, it's recommended to reach out to Google Ads support for assistance. They can provide guidance and address any concerns you may have.


Transferring your Google Ads account to another account may seem complex, but by following this step-by-step guide, you can navigate the process smoothly. Remember to assess your needs, create a new account, grant access, and initiate the transfer. Verify and adjust settings in the new account, and closely monitor the performance of your campaigns. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can successfully transfer your Google Ads account to another account and continue your advertising efforts seamlessly.

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