10 best tips for not getting fat in summer

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Maybe this is the time of the year when we relax at the time of eating, without paying attention to the fats we eat and the weight we can take. Summer is, along with Christmas, the most complicated time of year to take care of the line. And, with the arrival of heat, free time and plans aw

Maybe this is the time of the year when we relax at the time of eating, without paying attention to the fats we eat and the weight we can take. Summer is, along with Christmas, the most complicated time of year to take care of the line. And, with the arrival of heat, free time and plans away from home, few people are able to maintain those healthy habits that have accompanied them for the rest of the year. Do you need tips for not getting fat in the summer?

Tips not to get fat in summer

In order to cope with the relaxation of summer in terms of diet and exercise, we give you some guidelines that will allow you to move away those extra Weight that always lurk.  Do not hesitate to put them into practice.

  1. Do not obsess

Obsessing with the scale is almost as bad as forgetting it. In this sense, we must remember that the most important thing to avoid losing your vacation is to love and accept yourself, giving the Weight the importance they deserve, no more and no less.

  1. Strive to maintain a healthy diet

While counting calories away from home is almost a lost battle, self-control should be present at summer dates. Relaxing does not have to be accompanied by excesses that, besides spoiling the line, harm your health.

  1. Respect schedules

Although on vacation we tend to live in the moment and forget about the clock, it is vital to respect the schedules of the meals and try not to snack between meals. In this way, it is easier to keep control of everything that is eaten during the day.

  1. Do not stop exercising

Rest and exercise are not two exclusive activities, but complement and strengthen when they are united. In fact, vacations are the best time to be active and perform a sport that, in addition to helping us to be in shape, promotes the release of accumulated stress.

  1. Eat more water and less alcohol

While water keeps us healthy and hydrated, alcohol dehydrates, creates addiction and, in addition, adds a lot of empty calories to the diet. These, unfortunately, are reflected in the line.

  1. Be careful with snacks

Potatoes and nuts are the worst enemy of a healthy diet. However, there are ways to take a snack without risking good habits, such as fresh fruit salads or chopped vegetables like carrots or celery.

  1. Adapt the whims to a healthy diet

There is no summer without ice cream, and the rise in temperatures reduces the chances of resisting this sweet and cold temptation. However, there are always ways to adapt them to a healthy diet, preparing homemade versions of traditional poles.

  1. Avoid fried foods

When frying a food, its calories and fats multiply, so they should not be part of the daily menu. The best thing is to try to limit them to specific moments and always choose the least processed option.

  1. Do not forget to have a good breakfast

Eating breakfast is important. If you do not like to face the morning on an empty stomach, try to take healthy foods that give you energy until mealtime, including protein, complex carbohydrates and fats.

  1. Enjoy the summer

This is the most important point and, perhaps, the one that we least remember. While the Weight come and go, there are moments that may not happen again. Therefore, enjoy the holidays, eat with common sense and take a break from time to time.

Other tips not to get fat in summer

Along with the main tips for not getting fat in summer commented before, we show you a list of some interesting guidelines, and more specific, which is not wrong to take into account:

  • Do not let more than an hour pass since you get up for breakfast. So you break the night fast and activate your metabolism.
  • Start the day with a glass of warm water with 2-3 drop of lemon, it will help the intestinal emptying and balance the pH.
  • Alternate coffee and green tea, provides catechins and caffeine that accelerate the metabolism.
  • Change the juices for smoothies or eat the whole fruit. Fiber delays the passage of sugar into the blood and reduces fat storage.
  • Discover smoothies or green smoothies.
  • Try to have salty breakfast, thin meats like serrano or cooked ham, cecina, Iberian loin, smoked salmon, eggs.
  • Favorable fat should be present, add nuts, avocado or virgin olive oil.
  • If you drink cow's milk try to be semi-skimmed, fewer calories and the same vitamins A and D.

Follow these tips to not get fat in summer and you will notice the result. Also, you see that they are not difficult to follow; it just takes a little bit of will.



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