Automated testing can increase the depth and scope of tests and significantly improve software quality

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Automated testing can increase the depth and scope of tests and significantly improve software quality.Depending on the size of the project and the application, test automation will always provide a good return on investment. Once tests have been created, automated tests can be run over an

Automated testing can increase the depth and scope of tests and significantly improve software quality.Depending on the size of the project and the application, test automation will always provide a good return on investment. Once tests have been created, automated tests can be run over and over again at no additional cost. Test automation typically reduces the time required to run repetitive tests from weeks to hours.


WeTest provides a professional cloud-based mobile app testing platform that allows you to perform automated testing in popular framework against real Android and iOS devices, so you can troubleshoot issues in your development and operations lifecycle before being reported by your customers.The infrastructure is build to support unlimited number of simultaneous test runs, meaning that you can choose any number of devices for your test run.


With the help of WeTest's expert cloud-based mobile app testing platform, you can conduct automated testing using well-known frameworks on actual Android and iOS devices, allowing you to identify problems early on in the development and operations lifecycles—before they are even noticed by your customers. You can select any number of devices for your test run because the infrastructure is designed to enable an infinite number of simultaneous test runs.


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