Top 5 foods to get rid of morning sleepiness

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Also when purchasing the drug, be sure to check the expiration date on the medication.

Some days are just bad and you can’t help feeling extremely sleepy and lousy the whole day. Regardless of how many steps you walk or how much water you splash on your face, those yawns and tiredness are not going anywhere. Soon your work desk looks like a cozy bed to sleep on and that’s how you end up listening to an earful from your supervisor. Well, it’s just you, a lot of people around the world feel like this after a night out with friends or due to lack of sleep. So to help you stay awake and do your work, here are the top 5 foods to reactivate your brain:

A warm cup of strong coffee

Coffee is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of getting rid of sleepiness. However, sometimes it won’t work or sometimes it makes you feel extremely jittery and shaky. That is because the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee may differ based on the type of coffee, quantity, and method of brewing. Buy Modafinil 200 online to get rid of sleep issues.

For example, dark-roasted coffee beans have a low amount of caffeine in them. So you may need more coffee grounds to compensate for the amount of caffeine. Meanwhile, lightly roasted coffee beans have more caffeine but they don’t have the bittersweet taste. Check the roast type of your coffee. Usually, most coffee beans or grounds are medium roasted to give the caffeine kick and a balanced taste. A heaped tablespoon of medium-roasted coffee is enough to wake you up.

Fruit shake

Fruits contain natural sugars in the form of glucose that can boost your energy in an instant. However, not all fruits are created equal. Choose fruits like apples, blueberries, kiwis, bananas, and fruits that are full of antioxidants and natural sugar. Make sure you don’t add any processed sugar while making fruit shakes. Only consume the sugar that Mother Nature has to offer. If you add more, then soon your will get tired again.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate also contains caffeine but not as much as coffee. However, dark chocolate has a high number of theobromine, known for its blood pressure-lowering properties. Theobromine also helps in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and bad cholesterol, and increasing good cholesterol. Coffee contains 95 mg of theobromine while dark chocolate contains 250mg of theobromine. Meanwhile coffee offers 238-153mg of caffeine in one portion while dark chocolate provides only 19mg of caffeine.


Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids known for boosting memory, protecting your brain cells, and improving your overall energy. Yes, it doesn’t sound good to have fish at breakfast, but surely when it comes to getting energy and keeping your brain active, some fish fry with baked potato or crisps will surely help.


Well, this is not food, but a medication known as the intelligent drug. It is a wake-promoting medicine used for people suffering from narcolepsy associated with insomnia, RLS, and work-shift disorder. A 100mg pill of modafinil can keep you active and running for 12 hours straight, without giving you the jitters and shakiness of coffee.

If you're looking to buy Modafinil medicine, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, Modafinil is a prescription medication, so you'll need to get a prescription from your doctor before you can buy it. Once you have a prescription, you can purchase Modafinil from most pharmacies. However, it's important to note that Modafinil is not available over the counter and must be prescribed by a doctor. 

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