Financial Wellbeing Programs For Employers

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Wellness programs typically include activities such as weight loss contests, exercise, stress management or resilience training, smoking cessation programs, and wellness assessments designed to help individuals or employees eat better, lose weight, and improve their physical health.

Like any other aspect of wellbeing, financial wellbeing needs to be viewed holistically. Since there is no single program that will solve financial well-being, it is important to offer options.

A range of financial wellness benefit programs that companies can offer their employers.

Retirement Plans:

This should be a no-brainer. It's critical that your employees are empowered to save for retirement. Beyond offering retirement options, think about how your company can maximize impact. While we expect these programs to be infrequently used, life and disability insurance are incredibly beneficial in certain circumstances.

Financial Planning Programs:

Companies offer programs to connect employees with financial advisors. Financial planning programs cover topics such as wealth management, investments, and estate planning.

Financial Advisory Programs:

Working with an advisor on an individual basis is highly beneficial to employees. Consider implementing a coaching program for personal finance, budgeting, savings, debt, and more.

Emergency Savings Funds:

Some companies offer emergency savings funds to help with emergencies. When employees are forced from their homes by a natural disaster, an emergency fund can help ease those financial worries.

Fertility And Family Planning Programs:

Fertility and family planning programs are more expensive. Building a family is a stressful and expensive journey. By offering a fertility and family planning program, companies reduce some of the stress involved.

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